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Sports Life at Scoil Bhríde

We're thrilled that so many of our Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan children are involved in sports. We're very grateful too, to the staff members and the parents who give up their free time to train and travel with the children. Thank you one and all.


Cross Country

An Inter-Schools Cross Country Event will take place close to Easter break.


Lots of time, hard-work and training is going into preparations for this competition.


Check back during March for updated details. 

Boys Football

Senior Boys Team:

5th & 6th Class

Training:  Mondays from 

12th March Time: 3-4pm


Junior Boys Team:

3th & 4th Class

(boys born in 2008 only).

Training:  Tuesdays from

13th March Time: 3-4pm


Scoil Bhríde tracksuit is required and a gum shield must be worn at all times.


We will update you on future events.

Girls Football

Our Senior Girls Team:

5th Class & 6th Class Girls, 

Training:  Mondays

Time:  3-4pm.


Scoil Bhríde tracksuit is required and a gum shield must be worn at all times.


We will update you on future events.

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